Competition Tips: Before the competition: Use your Equitest Advantage cd to look at all the tests at both Training and First level and decide which ones best suit you and your horse. For example, if you horse is working well in all paces but has not yet learned to Leg Yield, look at the tests that do not include the Leg Yield. Once you have decided which tests you want to ride, use your cd to look at how each move should be performed. Also see the Dressage Moves section for handy hints on what to remember when riding a move. Start to incorporate moves into your schooling sessions but avoid doing whole tests as your horse will start to anticipate what is next rather than wait to be told. When you have decided which competition you want to enter, check the venue. Try and go along to watch a dressage competition before you compete. You can look at the arena, how long it takes you to get there, the warm up facility and whether the arena is inside or outside. Check the rules on permitted saddlery, tack and boots as well as warming up. All can be found out by asking the show secretary, arena or contacting USEF. On the day: Leave plenty of time to get to the competition and warm up before your allotted time. Incorporate some moves from the test into your warm up but avoid going through it too many times. Concentrate on your horse and how you are riding. Do not worry about anyone else. Many horses warm up very differently to how they perform in the arena. If you arrive too late to be ready for your time, ask the steward to ask the judge if you can go at the end. It may be possible but do not assume and always thank the steward afterwards. If you forget a move: remember it is only a loss of two marks. If the rest of your test is good, you can still be placed. Don’t let the rest of the test go badly by dwelling on the mistake. Enjoy it and smile!